What We Do
We are a specialized consulting practice with expertise in leadership development, strategy, and cultural breakthroughs.
When business-as-usual stands in the way of results, Viewscape has the key. We are a team of creative and evidence-based management consultants who design custom engagements that fit each organization’s unique set of needs and constraints.
Our Areas of Focus
We elevate the ability of both leadership teams and individual leaders to solve urgent business needs and provide immediate value to their company in an ever-increasing pace of disruption.
Through masterful facilitation, our clients reach new tiers of performance by ensuring that company culture and strategy are harmonic with one another.
We support leaders to nudge and shape the culture of their organizations, so that the environments where they work become a key competitive asset.
What is getting in the way of your company’s performance?

Our Team of Experts
Our Mission
To elevate conversations and improve performance.

Recent Successes
“Why has Don made such a big difference for us? Don listened to us better than anyone we have brought in from the outside before in our history. It wasn’t Don that brought us the ideas, it was that when Don listened to us he helped us discover what we needed as a company to go from good to great. I am very grateful for that… Don doesn’t try to lead our company. He supports our executives in a way that has allowed them to emerge as the leaders of our company. Don’s approach is both innovative and flexible and he deserves this recognition.
— Layne Krienke, President, JOEY Restaurant Group
“Don’s sophisticated leadership skills have enabled our group to move to a level of trust and openness that allows for the contemplation of limitless possibilities.”
— President, Film Studio
“Viewscape has brought invaluable training to our team. Don's mentorship has helped [BGC] discover our company purpose.”
— Steve Hedberg, President and CEO, BGC Engineering Inc.
“Having gone through many strategy sessions before, we weren’t really looking forward to doing another one. After our initial session, that feeling had completely changed.
Not only was Don an expert facilitator, deftly guiding us through the process and making it seem so natural that we followed him like the pied piper, but the content and outcomes from our work together has been unparalleled. I’m not exactly sure how he did it, but he took a very diverse group of 11 individuals and managed to make our time together both productive and downright enjoyable.
We are spoiled forever now and can’t imagine going back to the way we used to do [strategy].”
— Holly Graff, Chair, Bowen Island Community Foundation
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Transform your strategic lens to unlock new levels of impact.