
Ineffective Strategy

Our promise: by working with us, your company will gain clarity and alignment around a strategic lens, and develop tangible actions that bring your vision for the future into operational existence.

For more details about our approach, read below.


crafting your strategic lens: Our Approach


001. Distinguish Your Historical Competitive Advantage

Our Chief Strategist will work with your team to reveal the sources of your competitive advantage in the context in which it was created. This enables a willingness in your team to make shifts in service of what is relevant now, not what was relevant in the past.

002. Craft A Future-Focused Strategic Lens

Your team, with guidance & research from our Chief Strategist, will clearly distinguish the actual rules of competition in your segment. Your team will align on key assumptions about the new competitive landscape and create a guiding framework (strategic lens) for making choices moving forward. Your team will be reconnected to your core purpose and core values, and a fresh new direction will be vividly generated. Through a sober view of the new market, gaps will emerge and opportunities will present themselves. We will support you through the choices that need to be made for next steps.

003. Align Strategy With Execution

We will help you develop capacity and capability to ensure integrity between big-picture strategy and day-to-day operations. We will also support your team in managing the changes that will be required in the thinking and action required of your employees.


The impact? Clarity and alignment around a strategic lens and the actions required to bring your vision into operational existence.

Contact us to craft your strategic lens.
